Make a Gift Now
We are incredibly grateful to our generous donors who help us fulfill the quest for educational excellence.
Make a Gift Now
There are many ways to support the important mission and vision of Gulf Stream School.
Make an Online Gift
To make an online gift, please use the encrypted form below. Information submitted will be accessible only by Gulf Stream School’s Development Office. After clicking on the donate button below, please enter the appropriate information and click on the submit button:
To mail a donation, please send a check payable to Gulf Stream School:
Gulf Stream School Development Office
3600 Gulf Stream Road
Gulf Stream, FL 33483
3600 Gulf Stream Road
Gulf Stream, FL 33483
Gulf Stream School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, independent school. All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. If you have any questions, please email Casey Wilson, the Director of Development at [email protected], or call the Development Office at (561) 276-5225.